Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Three years since last post / New life new out-look

It has been about three years since I last blogged on this site and all I can say is that I have been on an incredible life awakening journey. Nothing like going through rough times to make you a stronger person. I have been busy writing songs and build my company, well enriching the company's goals to a bigger international humanitarian project oriented company.

I have finally linked my life events (good and bad), since childhood and all those places I've seen, people I have met and experiences I have had to my purpose in life. Grant-it it has taken a half century of training to finally figure out what I want to be when I grow up, but oh it is so well worth the struggles I have endured to get to where I am today and in the near future.

All I can really say at this point is that Love heals all things, and Peace enables abundant Joy. Well let me clarify. The peace that passes all understanding enables me to live daily in abundant joy! What a wonderful perspective of life to be living! The more I overcome adversity the more I become a conqueror.

Until next time blogging community!