Sunday, December 30, 2012

Year End Reflection

As this year nears the end I can only say that 2012 brought me many unexpected events. Then I reflect upon the past years events globally and I can see that change is in the air for everyone. You probably just thought how common and obvious the above statement is in retrospect to the end of the year, but in my mind the change I am referring to being those of attitude and innovation.

Within the half century of my life I’ve seen wars, Peace Time, disasters, governments come and go, joys and woes. But the thing that gets me perplexed this year are the periods of calmness, where nothing significant happens, as you move forward doors of opportunity seem to close, ideas that are created have to be shelved for a later time, there’s no major crisis that needs to be attended too, and your mind is so conditioned to solving something or creating solutions it just won’t shut down during these times of calmness.

So how does an active person deal with these times of calmness? It’s called REST! A word I had forgotten to use in my everyday life. No wonder these times of calm, quiet serenity seem so strange to me. It wasn’t long ago that I had on my Wish list for an extra day and more time. It took a teenager to remind me that I got my wish with the leap year. Then she asked what did I do with it. “I think I was working”, I replied.

Now I cherish these moments of calmness and spend it with those I love. 2013 starts a new year and a new attitude for me and I hope others like myself will remember to stop and smell the roses, say thank you more often and make an effort to lift and encourage more people than you did in 2012.

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